Stellenticket GmbH

Software for universities and research institutions

Customised IT solutions from the heart of Berlin
Products & projects
Academic employment websites at universities and research institutions
Customised campus management software with many applications
Employment websites for short-term and casual student jobs
The employment website exclusively for start-ups

Individual solutions

We develop software according to your needs

Awarding scholarships efficiently and fairly with Congeno DStip

Evaluating applicants and awarding scholarships such as the Deutschlandstipendium often involves great organisational effort. Our new software solution Congeno DStip offers universities user-friendly and clear support with managing the processes involved. Depending on your individual needs, Congeno DStip can be used to manage student applications or in addition to evaluate applications and match funders to recipients.
Request access to the demo now at and experience the advantages for yourself!

Updated terms and conditions

We have updated our terms and conditions (Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen, AGB), in particular the description of our products and remarks on invoicing. The new terms and conditions are valid immediately for all new contracts. They apply to existing contracts from 01.09.2024.

Welcome to our new website!

We have relaunched our website! The clear design, user-friendly navigation and revised content gives you an even better overview of our company and what we offer. You are welcome to take a look around and find out more about us.